
Thursday, March 16, 2006

At the  Autrey Museum

Packing up and gettin' ready ...
Tomorrow morning we leave for Los Angeles and the Autrey Museum where the National Women's History Project will hold their celebration on Sunday at three. We're leaving a day early in order to visit the Getty Art Museum while there -- I've never seen it and hear it's stunning.

Will fly home on Monday afternoon and then leave at 5:50 a.m. from the Oakland airport for Baltimore/Washington, D.C., and the festivities to be held at the Hay Adams on Pennsylvania Avenue across the street from the White House. How cool it that?

Because this is all so much larger than life and so once-in-a-lifetime in scope -- I've cashed in the family jewels to take granddaughter, "Miss Hermione Ginglehopper" along to share the honors and enjoy her first visit to the Capitol.
at the Hay Adams Hotel in D.C.

David, Kokee, and Rhico (his older kids) will drive to L.A. for the celebration there on Sunday.

Not sure when I'll get to read my messages or post to my blog -- these days are surreal -- but given this unbelievable agenda, it may take days to get myself back into my pumpkin again.

Will try to remember to take pictures and will post them in CBreaux's Annex when there's time.

Meanwhile, I'm off to see the wizard -- see Betty on the Yellow Brick Road!

Monday, March 13, 2006

Today's the day ...

and it's 8:58 by the clock on my computer. At eleven o'clock this morning my friend, Barbara Cottman Becnel, will announce her candidacy for governor from the west steps of the state capitol. Been sitting on this one for weeks -- waiting until she would go public. All of the signatures have been gathered and verified -- and this brilliant passionate capable African American woman will enter the race.

I have no idea how this will be viewed by the political parties since Barbara will be entering from the Left for the purpose of broadening the debate to include a higher minimum wage, higher taxes on the rich, and -- abolition of the death penalty. All three of the major candidates have declared that they will continue to support the death penalty and none will agree to a moratorium.

You may recall -- if you were paying attention -- that Barbara is the woman who managed to get San Quentin Death Row inmate Stanley Tookie Williams nominated 7 times for the Nobel Peace and Literature prizes over the past years. She published his 9 prize-winning books and served as his editor. She was portrayed by Lynn Whitfield in the film, "Redemption," for which Jamie Fox was nominated for the Oscar.

When we met at the Point Richmond StarBucks some days ago, she asked if I'd do some writing for her. Not sure I could do her justice. One day Barbara will be viewed as the Rosa Parks of the Movement to Abolish the Death Penalty.

But we'll talk more about that in days to come.