Before the tears dried up I was in the advanced stages of absolute delight! Manic? Maybe, but I doubt it.
Two things happened to change the mood and sweep me up in the next wave of experience. First, a message came from Martha, our superintendent, who is at this very moment in New Orleans sitting in a jazz concert at the Louis Armstrong National Park there.
The first message said a simple, "...wish you were here!," and was written from her Blackberry. In a short time the second message arrived and I could read her excitement over the miles. She was charged up from watching a fantastic music program being conducted there that brings together older jazz musicians with young kids to learn and to play the songbook from old New Orleans.
And second; I then did something I rarely ever do. I looked up at the search bar on this journal (just above my picture over the archives) and entered the word "Jazz." Up came several posts that dated from around 2006, and that I'd totally forgotten about. I loved them! It was like rediscovering an old friend -- someone I've known but had let slip away. I felt all of the passion of the subject, and found little that I would not have written today.
It was cause to won

But there was such pleasure in reading my own words that it must be a good thing ... hopefully.
When she returns mid-week, we'll begin to scope out how we might bring such a program to Richmond -- a part of the Home Front story and WWII. This was where jazz and blues were transplanted to the West Coast as the historic African American migration swept musicians in and as the shipyard workers, and the City of Richmond and the Greater Bay Area began to develop new and reclaimed old sounds that today's young are probably totally unaware of.
A new edge to explore; and those earlier writings about jazz may provide the way in. I'll print them out and share them with our interpreters.
So many pieces coming together -- I'm hoping there will continue to be the time and the necessary energy ...
O what I would give for a Faustian bargain ... just another decade or two!
I would hate having to leave in the middle of this movie!