
Saturday, October 25, 2003

Poem I wrote for the celebration of United Nations Day long ago ... .

I wonder.... .

I wonder if the children 'roun' the world are much like me?
I know their words are different, but is what they think and see?
Is what we feel and what we do about the same each day...
laugh and cry, tease and jump and run and shout at play?

Do they watch the 'blow-y" cloud shapes and wonder at the stars?
love rain upon their faces and catch wee things in jars?
Do they bump their knee, and though I know our skins don't look the same ...
does the underneath hurt just as much -- whatever is their name?

Do their Daddy's smile 'n say "let's be big" no matter how it smarts?
And do their mommys (dressed quite differently) hold them to their hearts?
And when they're all tucked in at night -- on rug or straw or bed ...
do they wonder what it's like to be someone else instead?

I wonder.....?

Wrote this for the children of Mt. Diablo Unitarian Universalist church when my children were Sunday School age. It has appeared in worship services for children elsewhere since that time, but has never been published (til now?).