Response from the USS Hornet ...
From: "Jon Stanley"
To: Betty Reid Soskin
Date: Monday, March 19, 2007 03:02PM
Subject: RE: Thanks so much for a memorable experience ... .
Betty - the day was memorable for all of us on Hornet, as well. We were indeed honored to have you and the other speakers with us to share your stories and perspectives.
In reading your email, I, too, am glad that you didn't "retreat", but chose to join us and participate in our celebration of "Women in History".
Will you join us for our Glenn Miller Orchestra night? - I certainly hope you can.
Best regards,
Jon Stanley, CEO
USS Hornet Museum
Photo: Singing group of WWII-costumed volunteers called the "Singing Blue Star Moms." They mime to the "Tribute to the Andrews Sisters," recorded classics of the day. They're great!
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