
Monday, May 25, 2009

For those of us who insist upon living life in a constant state of surprise despite the warnings ... .

Today I took the time to watch all 6 segments of a rather amazing panel discussion in which I participated just after returning from the Inauguration in January. The invitation from Channel 5's "Six O'clock News" Anchor, Dana King, had come just before Martha and I flew to Washington. I'd long since forgotten that it had ever happened since during subsequent weeks my life has been filled with far more than I could process comfortably.

I'd received an email last week (5/19th) announcing that the news would be carrying the promo the very next evening and the excitement began to build -- though not enough to encourage me to alert my grandkids to watch. Who knows what embarrassing thing Grandma would do this time? So I wanted to preview the piece before subjecting myself to that kind of scrutiny.

Not to worry. I did watch the really well-produced promo and felt really proud of this small group who'd met in the Green Room only 15 minutes before air time. But it wasn't until this morning that I took the time to watch all 6 segments on the website. Amazing! What an honor to have been a part of this truly candid and deeply-penetrating honest discussion on a subject of such sensitivity. Take a look. I believe you can reach it online at then add "Multiracial in America: Changes in the Obama Age" to the search bar. If I could figure out a way to add the link here I would, but by the time I do the thrill of sharing will have disappeared and it will seem to serve only vanity to post it.

Watching it this morning in its entirety took the sting out of yesterday's BBC experience and restored my sense of self, and the feeling that it's perfectly okay to live my life in a constant state of surprise!

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