
Monday, October 29, 2012

Let it be a dance!

Maybe words are not really needed  ...

True beauty speaks with eloquence enough to command attention without the spoken or written word ... .

Maybe its name is Faith.

Just maybe ... the Sea Shadow is having her say ...

Betty and Athena

It was less dance than simply movement  -- from somewhere deep within.  It felt wonderful to be
responding spontaneously to the exotic sounds filling that cavernous space after decades of voluntary wall-flowering.  I'd forgotten what it was like, and found that just yielding to the rhythms was sensual, heady, intoxicating.  How long has it been since I'd allowed myself to simply surrender my body to the moment?  The only thing that mattered was now!

How my Big Sur poet friend, the late Ric Masten, would have enjoyed this scene!  I fell asleep last night with a fragment of one of his songs, "Let it be a dance!" playing against the night:
... everybody turn and spin
                                                             Let your body learn to bend
                                                             And like a willow with the wind
                                                             Let it be a dance.
                                                             A child is born, the old must die
                                                             A time for joy, a time to cry
                                                             So take it as it passes by
                                                             And let it be a dance ... !
Ric would have so loved this scene.

Photos by Heather Hiett

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