It has been an eventful year for us both, but we've survived and prospered, despite all. She's now living independently in a studio apartment just minutes away from my condo, and has returned to her work at NIAD 3 full days-a-week.
Her brother, Bob, has made an arrangement with a small shop in San Juan Bautista to handle her lovely crocheted scarves and afghans -- just in time for Christmas. The shop is operated by the mother of a woman with Down Syndrome who is apparently creative as well. We've not met them yet, but we've received photos of Dorian's artwork on display. We'll do the hour-and-a-half drive down to San Juan in Monterey County to introduce ourselves and to see "Dorrie's Corner." Dorian may get to see new foals who've been born on the horse ranch where Bob works and lives, and I'll enjoy a day away from my all-consuming busyness ... .
Thanks to those who've expressed concern for our well-being. It has been a hard year in many respects, but obviously not unbearable. We've come through it relatively unscathed, except for this ringing in my ears ... .