... this great cover for the in-house Geico publication arrived on my chair in the headquarters offices yesterday. I vaguely recalled doing a phone interview early in the year, and that I'd referred the caller to our superintendent because this was one of the many media inquiries resulting from the governmental shutdown last year -- and, yes, they're still coming. Unlike most that had come from other agencies and/or nonprofits, this was clearly a commercial enterprise and might be subject to different protocols. After all, we're a federal agency and there are regulations to cover such things. Since such decisions come at a far higher level than mine, we needed clearance, but eventually the go-ahead came and the 30-minute interview took place, but was quickly forgotten in the busyness of daily life.
Yesterday when I reached my desk at park headquarters in the Civic Center, there was an official-looking manila envelop on my chair with the return address of the office of the superintendent of Mount Rainer National Park in Washington State. In it was a brief note from his secretary, Donna Rahier, stating that this had been dropped off at their office, and that she was forwarding it hoping that it would reach me. The envelop held this cover page and the inside article (great!) that was brief and accompanied another photo. This was the first I'd seen it, and only then did I remember this interview ever occurring. I loved it and her thoughtfulness in getting it to me. I might never have known ... .
... but what it brought up for me was the fact that much of this media attention might be rising from the need of the up-coming and aging Boomer generation to have role models for later life ... could be. The old models of avoidance and denial of the aging process may be finally dying, and in its place this generation of my children may be developing a hunger for meaning of a different kind. Maybe we elders who continue to hang in and thrive are creating hope for a generation tiring of the adulation of youth model and are searching for something more meaningful to hang their hopes on.
Do you suppose?
It seems clear that I've aged into a place where I'm receiving kudos, trophies, and certificates of honor for simply being able to tie my own shoes! It defies explanation; and though I feel affirmed and flattered by the attention (who wouldn't be?), it's difficult to feel worthy of being singled out for such tributes.
... but whose complaining?
... with the awesome spectre of non-existence in the fast-approaching future -- I'll take it!