I wasn't really certain where the resistance was coming from, but it was clear that at some subliminal level I knew that -- for me -- this would be a repeat of past times during my marriage to psychologist, Bill Soskin, when self examination was practiced almost as a religion. It harkened back to the "Me!" era of EST and Esalan, weekends gazing at our navels -- and sitting on zafus while chanting "Ohm." Surely there was little here that could possibly benefit either me or the NPS, so I would resist.
Sent in to the workshop leader (and to my supervisor) a note expressing (in good humor) my reasons for opting out, and found them accepting, but gently suggesting that I reconsider. I did not.
This local election this year with its often raucus and defaming campaigning has brought into focus the question of leadership in some new ways:
The most obvious would be that there are at least two kinds; those who grab their baton and megaphone and head for the head of the parade as a matter of entitlement, and those who become leaders simply by being followed. And may I hasten to add that I've seen the first evolve into the second on more than one occasion. I believe that I fall into the second category.

I really must do that since my great-grandmother has become an important element in my commentaries in the Visitors Center theater. There's no time for going into enough detail at such times, but -- at some point, I'm feeling the need to flesh that story out.
I don't believe the connections are at all hard to understand since these later years have become the time to connect the dots -- make the summations for the younger family members who may be looking for themselves in my story as I do with those who preceded me in the family hierarchy.
She is so present in my life ... in my current work ... and as I interpret leadership, I believe.
Look for that story, and soon, it feels increasingly important.