Okay, so I've been out on sick leave since the Thanksgiving holiday.
Miserable stuff, this flu. Get your shots, guys. This one doesn't fool around. And -- as an elder, I should have known better, but being invincible is my thing, and I figured I'd manage to dodge this bullet, too. Not so. Decked!
However, I've been back at work for the past week -- though my mailboxes both at my office and at home were filled to capacity with no way to catch up except to plow through one message at a time. The number of messages in my voice mail, alone, was enough to bring on a relapse. Don't now how on earth I ever kept up with the work load, but after this past week of separating "this is critical" from "next week will do," I have a new respect for myself and my ability to juggle!
Spent yesterday at our annual Day at the Races (Golden Gate Fields) with Assemblywoman Loni, Mayor of Berkeley Tom Bates (her husband), and both the capitol and district staffs. Great lunch and an exciting way to lose 18 bucks in two dollar increments. Horses were beautiful and the setting even more so, if possible. Sitting in the Turf Club watching the action on the track below was a reminder of the richness of this magnificant shoreline. Found myself happy to have been involved this past year in support of so many environmental projects.
Am glad to be back blogging, but this afternoon I'm still playing catchup. Alayana (8 as of last week) and Tamaya (six as of ten days ago) are dancing in a performance at the East Bay Center for the Performing Arts. It's the Christmas annual and I promised to be in my usual grandmother seat for the show.
Take care.
(So much is happening!)